Tape Players and Recorders, Digital Voice Recorders

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Tape Players And Recorders

Tape players and recorders enable an individual to record a voice onto a small, handheld device in order to replay it when needed. Some are digital with a memory chip, others utilize a mini cassette, while some are MP3 style to play MP3 audio files.

Rehabmart is pleased to carry a variety of tape players and recorders from high quality vendors, such as LSS and MaxiAids.

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Top Seller #1
Portable Cassette Recorder and Player
Starting at: $82.00
Brand: MaxiAids
The Portable Cassette Recorder and Player is designed for personal and professional use. Slim and sleek, the Portable ...
Brand: MaxiAids

What is a Digital Voice Recorder?

A digital voice recorder is a small, hand held device used to record audible memos to a memory chip, and play the memos back when needed. It can also be applied to recording conferences, lectures, or conversations. Standard digital recorders are not made for music recordings, because the sampling rate is lower than what is generally required for quality music reproduction.

Depending on the amount of internal memory, digital recorders are available in a variety of capacities regarding the maximum recording time. The quality setting of the recording is another factor which effects maximum recording time. Some digital recorders offer a higher quality setting to obtain a clearer recording and a lower quality setting if that is not an issue. The lower setting consumes less memory since it employs a lower sampling rate, leaving more room for other recordings. Consequently, the lowest quality setting allows the maximum number of hours to be recorded, while the highest quality setting allows the fewest hours to be recorded.

Digital recorders are handy for a variety of applications since the memory is solid state. This means there are no moving parts to it. Plus, it does not need to be rewound. Once the recording is finished, just press play to hear the recording immediately. Other standard features are search, pause, and tracking. The files are saved in a numbering sequence with a time and date stamp, and most have 2-5 folders to store the messages. Some digital recorders may include functions which enable moving messages between folders, deleting messages, and splitting messages.

Some have a USB capability in order to download the voice files to a computer. Many of those models come with software which automatically converts the voice file to text for easy transcribing. Other models have expandable memory by adding an external flash card to supplement the internal memory.

What are Cassette Recorders?

Cassette recorders are devices that record voice or music onto a cassette tape. Small ones are compact, run by batteries, and feature space for one mini cassette tape. In addition, they have buttons which include pause, play, stop, rewind, fast forward, and record. Cassette recorders are most frequently bought for dictation purposes, such as by medical professionals, legal professionals, and students.

These devices are convenient for dictation because they allow immediate rewinding to check the accuracy of the notes. Cassette recorders allow professionals, students, or anyone else who needs a memory device to easily and quickly make a note of something without the requirement to stop and write it down. Also, they enable playback of the tape at a later time, if necessary, for transcription purposes.

What are MP3 Players?

MP3 players are devices made specifically for playing MP3 files. They are available in many sizes and storage capacities, but typically are portable and small enough to fit easily into the hand. Most have enough memory to store hundreds, or sometimes thousands, of digital audio files which are usually songs. The files are normally placed into an MP3 player’s memory by connecting it to a computer. Then, the files are transferred to the device. Some MP3 models allow the user to download the files directly from the internet.

Many MP3 players have a small screen to tell the user the name of the song and other information about it. The screen may also serve as a user interface, enabling the individual to choose various options or execute commands. Some players have touch screens to allow tapping directly on the screen to make these choices, which is done instead of pressing buttons elsewhere on the device. Most come with earphones, and some have built-in speakers to allow listening without having to wear earphones.

Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Co-Founder & CEO
