The SafetySure Transfer Sling assists caregivers in repositioning and transferring patients from one place to another. Made in the USA with high friction coating on the inside and four hand-grip straps that provide a full range of gripping positions for the caregiver, the SafetySure Transfer Sling can be positioned on the patient's body in a variety of ways, including around the shoulders, legs, and arms. This simple and easy patient transfer device reduces stress on both the patient and caregiver.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Specifiction LabelSpecification Value
Length 19"
Height 8"
Thickness 3/8"
Hand Grips 4
Weight 1 lb
Weight Capacity 250 lbs

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More Information

The SafetySure Transfer Sling is an easy to use device with many patient transfer applications. The high friction coating on the inside of the sling prevents slipping. Hand grips provide a variety of gripping positions to aid in the transfer process and reduce stress on the caregiver's back.

Some of the applications for the SafetySure Transfer Sling include:
  • Move from or to bed
  • Move up in bed
  • Lift from the floor to a wheelchair or bed
  • Move higher in wheelchair
  • Move from wheelchair to car
  • Transfer between bed and wheelchair
  • Turn in bed


    The SafetySure Transfer Sling can be positioned in numerous ways, depending on the transfer to be completed and the circumstances of the individual.  

    Moving to or from the Bed 

    When assisting an individual to lie down or sit up in bed (fig. 1), it can be hard to reach the shoulders and legs at the same time.  Place the SafetySure Transfer Sling around the lower legs and/or behind the shoulders (fig. 2). 

     SafetySure Transfer Sling with 4 Handles Picture

    Raising or Lowering 

    If the caregiver is helping someone get up or sit down, tilt the individual forward for a natural transfer.  Place the SafetySure Transfer Sling around the indivuals hips (fig. 3).  If the patient is resistant to forward movement, place the SafetySure Transfer Sling around the shoulders and a SafetySure Transfer Belt around the individuals waist (fig. 4). 

    SafetySure Transfer Sling with 4 Handles Picture

    Moving up in Bed

    When an individual is up in bed, most of their weight is usually on the hips.  


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