Financing Options:
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With the SaeboGlide Plus Shoulder Rehab Device for Stroke Recovery, you can regain your range of motion in your upper extremities no matter your level of strength or ability. This device is intended to support patients at all stages of recovery and can effectively challenge users to keep their recovery path moving forward. The SaeboGlide Plus Shoulder Rehab Device comes with an integrated hand strapping system that is ideal for all users, including those with poor grip strength/ability. With this rehab device, patients can exercise their arm(s) in any plane of movement in any position, whether they're seated, lying down, or standing.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Specifiction LabelSpecification Value
Product Weight 2.5 lbs
Warranty 1 Year

Additional Documentation on This Product

More Information

The SaeboGlide Plus Shoulder Rehab Device can support patients of all ages, shapes, and sizes with their stroke rehab and recovery. No matter your grip strength or ability, this device can help you build a better range of motion in your upper extremities. The SaeboGlide Plus Shoulder Rehab Device can be used anywhere and anytime, even if the user is standing, sitting, or lying down.

You can complete an array of exercises designed to gently challenge your physical ability, helping you reach the ideal range of motion and dexterity in your upper extremities. With the SaeboGlide Plus, the quality of the movements completed is more important than the quantity; your best recovery is Saebo's goal and their intelligent devices can help get you there. Whether you're rehabbing at home or in a physician's office or center, you can rely on the SaeboGlide Plus to provide you with comprehensive, gentle, easy, and convenient therapy.

What Customers Are Saying:

"My poor shoulders prompted me to purchase. It offered better rehab, was strong, easy to adjust, and did the job! -Dorothy K. "

"I bought this cane to help me recover because my left shoulder occasionally gives up. It never slipped, excellent decision! -Holly R."

"I can change the height to fit me because I am 6'3", and it is quite strong. It increases my sense of security. Strongly recommended! -Aaron A."

FAQ For SaeboGlide Plus Shoulder Rehab Device for Stroke Recovery

? Have a question about this product? Click here to ask us!
Does the SaeboGlide Plus Shoulder Rehab Device have a warranty?
Answer: Yes! This device has a 1-Year Warranty. Please be advised that if you choose to utilize your warranty, RehabMart will facilitate all communication between you and the manufacturer to ensure your device is repaired or replaced, however, RehabMart is not liable nor responsible for upholding the manufacturer's stated warranty terms.
How much does the SaeboGlide Plus Shoulder Rehab Device weigh?
Answer: This device is 2.5 lbs, portable, and convenient to help you stand up while in your living room, bedroom, or restroom.
Can I use the SaeboGlide Plus Shoulder Rehab Device to recover from TBI?
Answer: Yes! This device is recommended for people who suffered a stroke, TBI, and hemiparesis and prompts a good recovery.

Customer Reviews of SaeboGlide Plus Shoulder Rehab Device for Stroke Recovery

Item Reviewed: SaeboGlide Plus Shoulder Rehab Device for Stroke Recovery
1 Review(s) - Average Customer Rating: 5.0 (1.0 to 5.0 scale)

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SaeboGlide Plus Shoulder Rehab Device for Stroke Recovery Pictures:

SaeboGlide Plus Shoulder Rehab Device for Stroke Recovery
SaeboGlide Plus Shoulder Rehab Device for Stroke Recovery
It's structured to exercise the affected arm for a better recovery
It's structured to exercise the affected arm for a better recovery