Play Tunnels & Kids Tents, Indoor Playground Equipment

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Pediatric Tents And Tunnels

Perfect for both play and therapy applications, pediatric tents and tunnels help children of all abilities to develop a host of skills for healthy development and growth.

Rehabmart is proud to offer a vast assortment of fun and functional pediatric tents and tunnels from such renowned vendors as Sammons Preston and Southpaw Enterprises.

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Top Seller #1
Peek-A-Boo I See-U Play Tunnel
Starting at: $85.42
Brand: Southpaw Enterprises
Peek-A-Boo Tunnel has a comfortably padded floor and a connecting lip on one end to enable you to extend the length or ...
Brand: Southpaw Enterprises
Top Seller #2
Soft-Lite and Kid-Lite Floor Play Barrels
Starting at: $1,081.38
Brand: Southpaw Enterprises
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  • Provides vestibular stimulation
  • Made with sturdy foam that supports the client's weight on top of the barrel
Top Seller #3
Resistance Tunnel with Fitball
Starting at: $406.48
Brand: Southpaw Enterprises
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  • Designed to enhance a child's proprioceptive input, body awareness, and motor planning skills
  • The tunnel is an expanding 20" diameter size and is 15-feet loog
Linear Glider Tent Cover
Starting at: $638.54
Brand: Southpaw Enterprises
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The Linear Glider Tent Cover empowers every children's ability to achieve successful growth through play. This tent was ...
Brand: Southpaw Enterprises
Tactile Resistance Tunnel for Developing Body Awareness
Starting at: $246.80
Brand: Southpaw Enterprises
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Using the Resistance Tunnel will challenge your clients with heavy work while developing body awareness and motor ...
Brand: Southpaw Enterprises
Play Tunnel for Children by Southpaw Enterprises
Starting at: $396.50
Brand: Southpaw Enterprises
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  • Especially beneficial for proprioception
  • Provides sensory stimulation for body awareness development
Inflatable Inner Tube Barrel Kit
Starting at: $840.81
Brand: Southpaw Enterprises
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  • Protects the client with valve stem covers
  • Made with 3 larger diameter inflatable inner tubes

What are Pediatric Tents and Tunnels?

Encouraging cooperative and imaginative play, pediatric tents and tunnels are child-sized versions that help engage children in healthy recreational activity. Available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, configurations and styles, play tents and tunnels can be used at home, at school or in various types of clinical settings.

Children of all abilities love to crawl through closed in spaces, and their imagination is the limit to the various ways that they can interact with these toys. Brightly colored, and with different textures, play tents and tunnels offer kids a wonderfully fun environment, while they also enhance growth, learning and development skills. They additionally encourage all kinds of kids to play together, regardless of special needs and physical or mental differences.

What are the Benefits of Pediatric Tents and Tunnels?

These types of toys help children to learn and grow by having fun. Sensory skills, proprioceptive input, motor planning skills, body awareness, vestibular balance and other developmental and learning skills are greatly enhanced with the utilization of toy tunnels and tents. They can help children to learn better social skills through cooperative play, while they also augment imagination.

Play tents and tunnels can additionally be employed as “calming down” types of spaces for children on the autism spectrum, or for any child who is overstimulated. The smaller, child-sized space ameliorates hyperactivity and sensory overload, assisting in relaxing the child within the closer quarters.

Proprioceptive Play and Sensory Play

Pediatric tunnels and tents are often used in physical therapy to help special needs children with developmental issues. While they assist with a number of different disabilities, they are especially helpful for proprioception and/or sensory disorders.

While many are familiar with the five senses that include sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing, proprioception is another sense that we all use every day. It helps us to determine our body’s position in space through receptors in our joints, muscles and tendons. Information from these receptors help us to gauge where our various body parts are in relation to each other, along with how much pressure we feel from the surrounding environment.

This extremely important sense that helps us perform all types of motor activities is sometimes compromised or under-developed in some children. Although all young children require play and practice to properly develop healthy proprioception, some special needs children will derive even greater benefits from using play tents and tunnels to better develop this sense as they grow.

Because all human beings need to experience certain things with their own senses to better comprehend and understand their world, sensory play is crucial in the healthy development of children. All of us retain the most information when our senses are engaged, and play tunnels and tents help to provide this sensory stimulation. By allowing kids the opportunity to explore the tents and tunnels on their own, this sensory play helps them to better develop and refine physical, cognitive, emotional, social, creative and linguistic skill sets.

Hulet Smith, OT
Rehabmart Co-Founder & CEO
