Financing Options:
Consumer Financing available
These oxygen cylinder racks hold M22 or Jumbo D Cylinders. When ordering, choose number of cylinders to be held: 4, 6, 8, 12, or 24. Allow 10 - 15 business days for shipping.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Specifiction LabelSpecification Value
FWF-1136-4 Dimensions 8.25 inches H x 11.5 inches W x 11.5 inches L. Holds 4.
FWF-1136-6 Dimensions 8.25 inches H x 11.5 inches W x 17.25 inches L. Holds 6.
FWF-1136-8 Dimensions not currently available. Holds 8.
FWF-1136-12 Dimensions 8.25 inches H x 17.25 inches W x 23 inches L. Holds 12.
FWF-1136-24 Dimensions not currently available. Holds 24.

Buying Options:

Choose Size

Holds 4 M22 or Jumbo D Cylinders
sku: FWF-1136-4
Holds 6 M22 or Jumbo D Cylinders
sku: FWF-1136-6
Holds 8 M22 or Jumbo D Cylinders
sku: FWF-1136-8
Holds 12 M22 or Jumbo D Cylinders
sku: FWF-1136-12
Holds 24 M22 or Jumbo D Cylinders
sku: FWF-1136-24

More Information

Jumbo D5.50 Oxygen Cylinder Rack Picture

FAQ For Jumbo D5.50 Oxygen Cylinder Rack

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Customer Reviews of Jumbo D5.50 Oxygen Cylinder Rack

Item Reviewed: Jumbo D5.50 Oxygen Cylinder Rack
3 Review(s) - Average Customer Rating: 4.3 (1.0 to 5.0 scale)

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Not as tall as I anticipated, although I believe the bottles will stand without any issues. Looks like a well-manufactured unit.

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