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Caregiver University > Experts > Mike Price, OT, CIO/CMO

Mike Price, OT, CIO/CMO

Mike Price, OT, CIO/CMO

Mike Price, OT is the co-founder of His inspiration for the founding of Rehabmart was the desire to empower caregivers (both family and professional) to solve complex functional problems and improve the quality of life for those affected by disability.

Mike has practiced OT in a variety of settings, including inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, hand therapy, home health, school system, pediatrics, geriatrics, nursing home, ergonomics, work hardening, brain injury and spinal cord injury areas.

He attended Georgia Tech for two years prior to switching to health care, where he picked up some computer skills and years later decided to teach himself programming for this new medium - "the Internet". He founded a senior care web site in 1997 called "The Senior Yellow Pages", sold it, and subsequently founded which became

Mike now spends his time arranging electrons on the Rehabmart web site, constantly working to improve the user experience and functionality so that people can find the products they need to solve their problems. He also leads the content marketing initiatives and the ongoing development of Caregiver University.


1991 - 1993 - Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA

  • B.S. in Occupational Therapy
  • Graduated Summa Cum Laude

  • 1989 - 1991 - Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
  • Health Care Prerequisites for Occupational Therapy

  • 1987 - 1989 - Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
  • Civil Engineering / Computer Science
  • Achievements

  • Self-taught programmer and entrepreneur
  • Dedicated father and husband
  • Electron Organizer since 1997
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