Financing Options:
Consumer Financing available
The Go! Board Assistive Technology system is recommended for children who would benefit from a picture schedule. Use the icon holders to hold pictures representing a desired activity or task; when the task is over, the icon holder can be removed and placed in the pocket at the base of the Go! Board Assistive Technology system. Use it in any classroom that uses scheduling techniques.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Specifiction LabelSpecification Value
Icon holders Dimensions 2" x 2"
8 Icon Holder Dimensions 29" x 5.5" x 3"
8 Icon Holder Weight 1.5 lb

More Information

The Go! Board Assistive Technology system is not a recording or speaking device.

FAQ For Go! Board Assistive Technology

? Have a question about this product? Click here to ask us!
Do the icon images in the picture come with the Go! Board?
Answer: These are not included.
Does the Go! Board record speech?
Answer: There is no speech output to this device.

Customer Reviews of Go! Board Assistive Technology

Item Reviewed: Go! Board Assistive Technology
1 Review(s) - Average Customer Rating: 5.0 (1.0 to 5.0 scale)

Bomb proof Visual Schedule holder
I sold a practice where each tx room had one of these. We used them so frequently and they really helped our kiddos who struggled with transitions and behavior. So happy to find them again and will purchase two more for my new location. These boards are so rugged, clean and easy to use. I dont use the icon holders. Just laminate and add Velcro to my own PECS pics or custom photos/drawing icons.

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Reviewer's Background: Speech Therapist