Adding to patient comfort and reducing their risk of pressure ulcers and other bedridden ailments, the SatinAir Adjustable Pressure Relief Pump and Pad System operates quietly and efficiently. The pad is made of a very durable, latex-free, premium vinyl material and contains 130 individual bubble cells in which the pump circulates air through. The pump has an output of 5 liters per minute and has a variable pressure setting that increases patient comfort.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Specifiction LabelSpecification Value
Weight Limit 300 pounds
Pump 5 liters per minute and a variable pressure setting
Pad heavy gauge, premium, latex-free vinyl
Amount of individual air cells 130
HCPCS Code EO181 pump
HCPCS Code A4640 replacement pad

Buying Options:

Choose System

Alternating Pressure Pump and Pad System (Adjustable)

Replacement Pad

Basic Replacement Pad for the Genesis I System
Replacement Pad, Deluxe with End Flaps for the Genesis II System

Replacement Pumps

8 lpm Pump
sku: CPH-4581
16 lpm Pump Upgrade
sku: CPH-4253E

Additional Documentation on This Product

More Information

The SatinAir Adjustable Pressure Relief Pump and Pad System is supposed to be placed over an existing mattress in order to assist in pressure redistribution and patient comfort. The pump is compact, operates quietly, and is easy-to-use and maintain. The pump alternates in inflating and deflating the 130 individual air cells inside the pressure pad to keep the pressure of the patient from concentrating on a specific area and causing the patient discomfort or from possibly causing pressure ulcers or skin macerations. Each pump also comes standard with a variable pressure setting which provides maximum patient comfort and can easily be mounted to the bed with built-in brackets. The pressure relief pump can put out five liters of air per minute with a five minute cycle time. The latex-free pad is made of a durable, heavy gauge, premium vinyl and has flaps at the head and foot section that are meant to be tucked underneath the existing mattress in order to secure the pad from unwanted movement. The system can effectively treat and support patients up to 300 pounds and a one year warranty is included with each purchase.
 SatinAir Adjustable Pressure Relief Pump and Pad System Picture  
Genesis II Alternating Pressure Relief System

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Customer Reviews of SatinAir Adjustable Pressure Relief Pump and Pad System

Item Reviewed: SatinAir Adjustable Pressure Relief Pump and Pad System
5 Review(s) - Average Customer Rating: 5.0 (1.0 to 5.0 scale)

Has been very healing for my mom..a blessing !

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this product works; it prevents bed sores for those confined to bed and those who lie down most of the day due to age.

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I am so unfortunately in need of this for my wife whom has been in the bed since 18 October 2017. When I purchased this product my wife had started showing bed sores on her bottom. I ordered and received this product and the difference is amazing, The bed sores all disappeared. Great buy, if you or a loved one is in Hospice, or just can not get out of the bed, buy one of these, before the spres take over your loved one.

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SatinAir Adjustable Pressure Relief Pump and Pad System Pictures:

SatinAir Adjustable Pressure Relief Pump and Pad System
SatinAir Adjustable Pressure Relief Pump and Pad System
Pump for Genesis Pressure Relief System
Pump for Genesis Pressure Relief System