Financing Options:
Consumer Financing available
Each product listed is designed to work with the Voyager Portable Ceiling Lift.

Buying Options:

Voyager Lift Accessories

Arm Extension - easier add or remove the lift system to and from the track system
sku: JHI-98830
Two Button Handset - designed for easier caregiver operation
sku: JHI-98890
Extra Voyager Battery - Backup to ensure lift does not experience downtime
sku: JHI-98850
Adjustable Strap for Portable Lift - Extends the bar that picks up the lift (does NOT extend down to or under the patient)
sku: JHI-98870
Battery Monitor Charger (New Cord 700.24201 Required)
sku: JHI-700.13501-B
Voyager Replacement Black Strap - 1 x 2.2M
sku: JHI-VOY-362.01365
Voyager Charge Cord
sku: JHI-700.24201
Easytrak and Kwiktrak Trolley
sku: JHI-700-10650-B

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Customer Reviews of Accessories for Voyager Portable Ceiling Lift

Item Reviewed: Accessories for Voyager Portable Ceiling Lift
3 Review(s) - Average Customer Rating: 5.0 (1.0 to 5.0 scale)

So much easier/better than a standard roll around hydraulic patient lift

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Great service

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Accessories for Voyager Portable Ceiling Lift Pictures:

Accessories for Voyager Portable Ceiling Lift
Accessories for Voyager Portable Ceiling Lift
Voyager Two-Button Handset
Voyager Two-Button Handset
Voyager Extra Battery
Voyager Extra Battery