Financing Options:
Consumer Financing available
The Cheap Talk 4 In-line is an assistance technology communicator with four message squares; activate the messages by pressing the squares directly. The Cheap Talk 4 In-line messages can be up to five seconds long.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Specifiction LabelSpecification Value
Dimensions 12½" x 6"W x 3"H
Weight 1¼ lbs.
Battery 4 AA

More Information

The Cheap Talk 4 In-line does not come with icons.
Requires 4 AA Batteries (not included)

Cheap Talk 4 In-line Direct Communicator Picture 






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Cheap Talk 4 In-line Direct Communicator Pictures:

Cheap Talk 4 In-line Direct Communicator
Cheap Talk 4 In-line Direct Communicator
Cheap Talk 4 In-line Direct Communicator - rear view
Cheap Talk 4 In-line Direct Communicator - rear view