The Aquatic Exercise Closed Chain Disk fits on the feet to provide weighted resistance while performing aquatic therapy exercises. The water therapy exercise equipment can also be turned over and sat on, which helps improve balance and strengthen the core. Using an Aquatic Exercise Closed Chain Disk frees takes pressure off the joints, freeing them from impact. Physical therapists can use the disk to help clients maintain fitness while recovering from injuries.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Specifiction LabelSpecification Value
Dimensions 11.7" x 11.7" x 2.2"

More Information

The Aquatic Exercise Closed Chain Disk is a versatile aquatic therapy/exercise equipment device that is used to exercise all major leg and him muscles. To use, simply strap the disk onto the foot, jump in the water, and start walking, stretching, and lifting the legs. The Closed Chain Disk helps improve balance, increase range of motion in the lower extremities, strengthen the upper body, and improve trunk stability. The adjustable water weight uses water resistance to tone and strengthen the leg and him muscles. The Aquatic Exercise Closed Chain Disk works well in a physical therapy setting, as it provides a great workout while reducing stress on joints and painful injuries. The footwear weight can be worn with or without water shoes. To work on balance and core strengthening, flip the disk over to the flat, strapless side and sit on it in shallow water.

Aquatic Exercise Closed Chain Disk Picture

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