6 Best Ways to Adapt Your Toilet for Better Safety & Comfort

Using the restroom is an ordinary, everyday task that many of us take for granted. But, for many people living with various medical conditions or mobility limitations, their daily visits to the toilet can become a much bigger challenge.

Toileting can become difficult for a variety of reasons, including low vision, decreased balance, muscle weakness, reduced motor coordination, or pain in the joints and muscles. When facing these odds, there is an increased risk of falling or otherwise having an accident, and the risk of serious injury is substantially greater in the bathroom due to the hard tile floors and presence of slippery surfaces.

In order to prevent these accidents, there are a variety of preemptive steps that can be taken to create the safest and most comfortable experience possible while using the bathroom. Thankfully, there is also a range of devices designed especially to help people become more independent in the bathroom. We’ll walk you through some of the best ways to adapt your toilet so that you and your loved ones can stay safe and accident-free.

4 Best Tips for Better Toilet Safety

1. Install a safety frame around your toilet.

For added support while users stand up and sit down on the toilet seat, toilet safety frames can be a great option, providing stability and often without requiring permanent installation. These support frames create a sturdy surface for the user to push down on so they can stand more safely, and with less struggle. Toilet safety frames are relatively inexpensive and can be fit to most toilets. They are noted for being quick and easy to install, and convenient to use.

2. Try a raised toilet seat or platform toilet base.

As with other surfaces, lower toilet seats are more difficult to bend down to and get up from than higher toilet seats due to the increased range of movement required to transition from standing to sitting in this position. In order to combat this, adding a raised toilet seat or platform toilet base can bring the toilet height up to meet the user for easier sitting and standing.

A raised toilet seat successfully adds extra height to the toilet for those suffering from limited mobility, strength, and flexibility. It’s crucial that the user find the seat best suited for their toilet as they come in an array of shapes and sizes to perfectly fit each individual toilet.

3. Add cushioning to the toilet seat.

Deciding between a hard or soft toilet seat is often considered a choice of preference, but it has been proven that a cushioned toilet seat has a multitude of benefits that can make the bathroom experience much more comfortable. For starters, using a cushioned seat can relieve pressure for many medical conditions, such as hemorrhoids, to make sitting much more comfortable. While many people may prefer to use a cushioned seat simply due to the overall added warmth and comfort, they have also been used to promote better balance while seated to help reduce fall risk.

4. Strategically install grab bars for better support.

For many people, the bathroom can be rife with risk, featuring hard floors, draped towels, and water that leads to added risk for slips, trips, and falls. Grab bars can be a great way to promote safety and stability both for the toilet and for the bathroom in general. Installing grab bars on either side of the toilet can provide a more permanent solution for support sitting down and standing up from the toilet seat, and can also add versatility for support in other bathroom tasks.

5. Consider a toileting aid.

For those having difficulty bending and reaching intimate areas during wiping and other hygiene tasks, you might consider trying a toileting aid. These unique aids are specially designed to provide assistance in wiping and similar tasks, helping those with trouble bending and reaching to maintain their independence while still maintaining their hygiene.

6. Try a commode or commode chair.

For some people, even just making it to the bathroom can be a task that just cannot be managed. In cases such as these, a bedside commode or even a shower commode chair can provide an excellent tool to support people through a variety of toileting and other hygiene tasks. 

Bedside commodes are a great option for people who still maintain some level of mobility, but not enough to make it all the way to the bathroom safely. They function as a standard toilet, but with a commode bucket rather than running water, and often feature a variety of safety and support features to improve ease of access. The bedside convenience helps to reduce fall risk and promote independence without risking an accident or injury.

Shower commode chairs combine the functionality of a shower chair, the ease of transportation of a wheelchair, and the convenience of a commode chair in order to facilitate an array of hygiene tasks. These chairs are recommended for those who are not able to make the walk to the bathroom. Utilizing these chairs instead of attempting to make it to the bathroom virtually eliminates fall risk, and helps to prevent injuries and accidents.


Using the bathroom is a task that everyone has to do multiple times each day, but for those who struggle with this task it can be a major source of difficulty and risk of injury. Thankfully, there is a vast array of products that can assist, making toileting safer and more comfortable.

For more information on how to make hygiene tasks in your home more accessible, as well as the wide variety of products available to help, come visit us at Caregiver University. And, if you’re ready to compare or purchase some of these amazing products, check out Rehabmart.com, your source for all the best medical, therapeutic, and assistive tools.


Co-Founder of Rehabmart and an Occupational Therapist since 1993. Mike has spent his professional career working in multiple areas of Occupational Therapy, including pediatrics, geriatrics, hand therapy, ergonomics and inpatient / outpatient rehabilitation. Mike enjoys writing articles that help people solve complex therapeutic problems and make better product choices.

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